Wednesday, March 31, 2010

MaLam MenggU!~

h0w's weekend? my weekend 4 this time is reallllly a weekend...  y? on friday nite i hang 0ut wit p0kcek g0in to tht very the cheapest n s0o the jambans k-0ke at ampang...hikhik! (but the s0und system is quite ok th0) after tht we went 2 the d0wnt0wn at cheras.  buyin s0me things...(also cheap2 punyer thing jerrr...)  so, i reached h0me ar0und 2.30a.m...very the lateeee.  i slept ar0und 3a.m.  the next m0rning, my planned wit kak ZzZzana (she really likes sleeping, tht's y i put ZzZz...hikhik!!) at 11.30a.m g0in 2 k.L again...urm, s0go n the jln TAR also the masjid jamek (but couldn't make it to masjid jamek, c0s already tired n kak ZzZzana c0mpleted her goal).  She wants t0 buy tud0ngs...i want t0 buy a few things also (juz A FEW okay!) but then, am juz like can't contr0l myself...i end up buyin a l0t of thing which is really n0t on list!!!  each store i st0pped, i'll buy.  gh0sh, i hate sh0ppin!~  haha 

then, we're g0in back.  juz OTW, an idea p0ped up....  kak ZzZana realy felt like she wants t0 g0 to the beach.... beach? g0t beach in k.L? :)  oh no.... means tht it must b out of i suggested we went t0 p.D... the time is 7.00p.m already but she agreed.   we start callin' s0me frens t0 j0in us.  luckily, misz F want t0 f0llowed n Encip Alem also...actually, we kidnapped him! hehe... (he's hardly dying t0 watch EPL) so, there was 4 of us.  fr0m putrajaya ar0und 8.00p.m reached p.D on 9.00p.m ++.  then we've waited for misz F boyfren, Mr D.... ab0ut 10p.m we met.  then, we ate n then we g0 sight-seeing in the dark of the nite, feel the rush of the ocean. annnnnnd............a place tht became my new dream (haha!) the legend ntahapehapentah...very nice n c0zy n beautiful n luxury place.  (we lepaks2 jerrr kt ctu n we snapped2 s0me n0t so nice pics of me (tp, gmba diorg tu cantek la) juz me!...i'm s0 c0mots n selekeh! x sukaaaa)  n then, we went h0me...otw cars temprature g0t high...damn!~  d0n want 2 story b0ut it...bc0s of it, we arrived h0me at 6 in the m0rning...................................really2 tired.  i slept at 7a.m  wake up ar0und 1.30pm.  can't say anything, to0o tired....tht sunday n0t g0in newhere.  i canceled my plan wit oLin to LaLaLa...s0ry memeks..

here's s0me of the pics....

seronok berpoyosan.....

~bercanda di tepian k0lam. ahaks!~ neh ngat nk balik da....upernyer sempat sgah kedai mamaks dulu min0m2
So, this week, d0n't have any plans thinking!

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